Managers as Change Agents – Transforming Team Resistance to Change

Managers as Change Agents – Transforming Team Resistance to Change

Managing your private practice can be a smooth experience if you hire a ‘competent’ manager.

As with anything senior role, during the quiet times leading, and managing a well-run practice is a breeze.

However, it is during times of high patient volume, and the introduction of new change initiatives that you need the support of good people.

The importance of a senior manager is imperative to ensure the change plan if followed and kept on track with agreed milestones. Also, the manager can address each the queries from employees as they implement the change or onboard new clients.

The day to day role of a manager transforms to adapt to the latest ‘urgent’ matter on the agenda.

A good manager will take up one or more of the following roles when faced with the challenge of implementing change, absenteeism of key staff, appointment booking system disruptions and a full waiting room.


Many employees will resist change just because they do not understand its purpose, and don’t like the idea of more work.

Therefore, it’s the responsibility of the manager to communicate the importance of the change and ensure compliance.

The manager will assist where possible to educate the employees on the benefits of the change initiative as well as the consequences if the changes are not made.

By doing this, the team members will have a clear idea about why they must be a part of the change.


The employees get their motivation for performance from the manager. If the manager is not passionate about the new change, their team members will not believe it’s necessary for them to work effectively to implement the change.

If the manager displays a passive or indifferent approach towards the new initiative, the employees won’t support the change.

This is the reason why it’s essential for managers to be informed of the importance of the latest change initiative and why they are essential for the success of the practice.

Once you do that, their enthusiasm and vigorous support will become contagious.


Another integral role of a manager lies in their ability to help employees execute the change process.

After the team members have gained an understanding of the importance of the change initiative, there are other steps the manager must complete.

The manager must ensure the team members have the knowledge, and change principles needed to implement the required change effectively and on time.

The latest change initiative will only be successful if all employees of the practice support the actions for change on a daily basis.


As you know when you own a practice, you must be aware of the material concerns of your employees.

However, it’s not recommended that you do so directly.

The best approach to ensure your employees are actively engaged in the change process if for your manager to be accountable for this task.

You must ensure that your manager plays an intermediary role during the change. It is essential you don’t do the work, but you must keep track of any hurdles that arise during the implementation of the change.


Throughout the change process, your manager will address any employee resistance quickly and effectively. It is natural for employees to resist change that disrupts their daily routine, and pulls them into areas of work they are not confident.

However, if the cause of the resistance is allowed to fester, and isn’t resolved promptly, the entire practice can suffer.

As a leader, you need proactive, competent support to ensure you can complete all of your responsibilities.

The help and leadership of a capable manager will reduce the threat of operational risk, improve productivity, ensure all employees are actively engaged, patients return and spread the word about the fantastic experience they had when visiting your practice.