How to Get More Men to Your Medical Practice

How to Get More Men to Your Medical Practice

Have you ever wondered why healthcare marketing targets mainly women and families?

Therefore, many practices are missing out on attracting more male patients. What would be the advantage for a practice to adopt a marketing message to change the norm of men avoiding healthcare?

What if there was a way to increase the number of visits men make to your facility?

According to a study, only 3 in 5 men choose to undergo an annual checkup.

This reflects the need for raising awareness amongst men about the importance of going to the doctor. Moreover, it also turns medical practice owners’ attention to an underserved market.

If you do not know how you can get more men to enter your medical facility, here are a few tips:


The interior and ambience of your medical facility will have a lot to do with the way men feel when they visit the practice.

If you only display medical awareness brochures regarding breast cancer, pregnant women, they won’t be aware of the dangers they face and treatments available.

Draw attention to medical dangers with big posters advising that prostate cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia in 2014.

In 2014, it was also the most frequently diagnosed cancer among males. It is estimated to become the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in 2018 while remaining the most frequently diagnosed cancer among men.

However, this does not mean that you ignore female patients either.

Hence, it is best to keep a neutral atmosphere. Moreover, make sure you have dedicated educational materials, and magazines are discussing the importance of men’s health.

Male patients will want waiting room reading material that covers more than royal weddings, tabloid gossip and the Kardashians. Well, most women would also like more variety as well!

However, offering free WIFI etc. is probably more relevant.


While women may have the patience and sense to schedule appointments a month ahead, men look for ease of use.

Create a system that focuses on improving the overall experience of the patient.

Convenience and comfort can also be reflected in the way you provide services. Moreover, train your staff to send constant reminders and make the appointment scheduling process more accessible.

Two or three SMS reminders are very effective.


Captivate the attention of men at places where they feel at ease.

Work with different employers and set up a medical screening event at various offices. When men see their peers taking care of their health and attending health-related events, they will follow.

Frequent events will raise awareness about the importance of visiting a medical practitioner on a regular basis.


Technology has transformed the world of medicine. To attract more men to your medical practice, your practice must adopt technology to remind the patient of the benefits of earlier assistance and regular check-ups.

Provide an online appointment calendar for existing clients to book their next appointment directly online where there are open vacancies.


According to a recent study, 80% of the men decide on consulting with a particular health practitioner after their spouses influence them.

Therefore to capture unmarried men, you must adopt a more visual approach as well as raising the matter with mothers and girlfriends.

This means that you must incorporate a marketing strategy that focuses on the spouse as well.

However, remember to use a combination of different approaches when planning your marketing campaign, and standard male friendly operating procedures.


If you want your medical practice to experience success and growth, you must devise a marketing strategy that speaks to all kinds of patients.

Men, to date, remain an unserved segment. Hence, this opens up a chance for medical facilities to witness exponential growth.